Lilan Company’s 2024 Grand Ceremony

The golden dragon bids farewell to the old year, joyful singing and beautiful dancing welcomes the new year. On January 21st, Lilan Company held its annual celebration in Suzhou, where all employees and guests of the company attended the event to share the prosperity of Lilan's development.


Follow the past and herald the future
The conference kicked off with the theme of "Dragon Soars Across the Seas, Hundred Million Soaring up". The chairman Dong's enthusiastic speech pointed out the direction for the company's future and outlined a development blueprint. Under the leadership of Mr. Dong, in 2024, our Lilan people will surely work together, hand in hand, to enter a new chapter!


Mr. Guo, the director of the company, presented us the development process of Lilan with unique perspective and profound insights, and explained that the company will continue to make efforts in the field of intelligent packaging, striving to become a leader in this industry.


Mr. Fan, the executive vice president, reviewed the past, summarized the achievements of the company last year, and put forward prospects for the company's future.


Honor moment, annual commendation
Employees are the foundation and winning weapon of a company. Lilan is constantly developing and growing stronger, and has achieved today's success. All of this cannot be achieved without the hard work and active cooperation of every employee. The annual commendation conference for outstanding employees has set a typical example, boosted morale, and further enhanced the sense of ownership among all Lilan people.

Song and dance soar, the crowd is uplifted
Beautiful songs, dancing melodies, what a stunning visual feast! Every note is full of emotion, and every dance step exudes charm. A song called "Little Luck" brings you good luck next year, a dance called "Subject Three" stimulates enthusiasm on site, "Love Never Burns Out" evokes deep resonance in our hearts, and "Be kind to each other and love each other" brings hearts closer. The actors on stage performed with enthusiasm, while the audience below watched with great fascination......


Exciting part of lucky draws were interspersed, and as a variety of prizes were distributed to the guests present, the atmosphere on site was gradually pushed to a climax.


Raise a glass to celebrate and take a group photo to mark this moment
The banquet was unprecedentedly grand. Company leaders and team members raise their glasses to share their gratitude for this year and blessings for the coming year.


Unforgettable 2023, we have walked together.
A beautiful year of 2024, we welcome it together.
Let's work hand in hand to create a new brilliance for Lilan!

Post time: Jan-21-2024